Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The maple leaf

Wow i actually got around to doing this. Now. In someone elses house. On someone ELSES computer. When i should be studying. But thats exactly how spontaneity works.

SO where do i start. Ill start with something as mundane as the weather. Apart from the fact that the temperature fluctuates by an average of 25C every single day, at least, and apart from the fact that wind chill instantaneously drops the temp by a further 10C, and apart from the fact you reeeally dont wanna get caught in the rain in this weather, its all good. Just make sure you folks from the equator are wearin 3 shirts and 2 full pants on a warm day to avoid hypothermia. Nah jus kidding, you need 4 each.

The temperature here, or rather the lack of, is made up for by the people though. Apart from the heat generated under the covers on a warm alcohol drenched night, the warmth of the general population even during the day is refreshing after the cold shoulders you get every single day at SBS bus in ye olde Singapore. Case in point, i talked to more people during Orientation WEEK than i had in 6 yrs of school in SG. And i got more proper friends after a month here than after 2 yrs at VJC. Whether thats my own fault or not shall be debated here.

But orientation was awesome. On hindsight the games were pretty retarded but when you got almost no friends at all in a country 11000 miles from home, they seem more fun than 2 trips to Disneyland. Okay, bad example but whatever. They were fun.

But the funs gotta end someday and here i am smack in the middle of work (which im not doing cuz im writing this right now, yes i DO understand self-reference) and exams and lectures. Now that the teachers dont give a crap whether ppl sleep i try to my best, to little success, to keep myself awake.

On my penultimate note, some of the smartasses here are seriously freakin me out with their effortless 95+++s and their 2-3 page long SUMMARISED resumes. But whatever, im not gonna take shit from anyone. I just need to find my placing and ill be up there with the elites. And on a final note, i miss my parents a lot. My mom more. Never in my life thought id feel this way. Damn i wish touchable holograms had been invented. Its just not the same knowing shes not making my meals, telling me to study and not screw around, looking out for me etc etc. What makes it worse is that she prolly feels the same way too. Ah well, gotta hang in there for.... 7 months. No problem, its in the bag. Lets see if i can update before that.


Ian said...

Yo man. That was a long absence. So you're still alive. So am I. How about that? lol. Keep updating. Ciao

Admin said...

you didn't wish me happy birthday you ungrateful peh-hen-chot