Its been a while eh? I must be one of the most inconsistent bloggers in existence. But Im gonna make an effort ta write more often, reflection and writing about reflections will keep my right brain alive. Okay fine, im gonna try ta make an effort. Or maybe Ill try to do that... It could go on. Do i want to blog or want to want to blog? Secondary desires anyone?
So wait yeah, Im supposed to be talking about globalization. What can I say about it? Its a fact, its happening even as I type this. No, forget about what yer GP or social sciences teacher told. Theres a difference between knowing about globalization and REALIZING its pervasiveness. Just like knowing what death is in the abstract sense and feeling it in your very bones as you see the light above you are two very different things. This is crazy. Ive been to 4 completely distinct and socially, geographically and culturally far-flung countries (India, Singapore, Canada and the USA, ok Canada and US arent that far apart, but they still are, in case ya noobs didn know that) and yet I see people watching Lost, Heroes, listening to Ya Ali, bitching about Dhoom 2, praising Don to the skies, dancing bhangra... Okay this is a very Indo-centric view of things but it just goes to show that it isnt only big bad America pouring out its cultural to the rest of the world. Dunno much about Chinese pop culture but my roommate will attest to its deep roots in North America too. Its also pretty interesting when you realize that people from all over the world say "fuck" freely independently of their mother tongues. And Im talking people from Turkey, Sudan, Ukraine, Kenya and other countries we normally hear about in the news or maybe not even. And yes, nigga is always offensive everywhere, except if a black guy says it to another, in which case it never is. And no, nobody likes Britney Spears or any of the other retards on E News Weekly, the North American equivalent of 8 Days in Singapore, and StarDust in India. See, thats what Im talking about. When does the madness end. EVERYONE knows about Ash's wedding with the Bachchans and half the world is pissed and/or jealous. Damn, the GP tutors were right. Now THATS a scary thought.
And then occassionally, when we're not overwhelmed by the astonishing here and now and the more bizarre future, we might think about the past. All the cultures that were physically and then culturally and financially crushed around the world. Sure, the Red Indians, tribals and aborigines have their own land and whatever but look at one of them straight in the eye and you'll see one thing; defeat. They know theyre a dying breed and either they lose their identity and get with the program or their identity dies with them. But thats progress aint it? Natural progression of the species. Globalization was the next logical step. Who knows whats next?
Too bad Isaac Mendez's dead. He would know what was in store for humanity.